The African Film Festival Atlanta (AFFATL) is the first home-grown African Film Festival in Atlanta and the southeast. The festival offers the opportunity to support the ever growing African film community in Atlanta. AFFATL is produced by the African Film & Arts Foundation (AFAF), a non-profit organization whose mission is to magnify and celebrate the visions, voices, lives and stories of people from Africa and the African Diaspora.

Atlanta has a significant number of Africans migrants and its reputed to be the 3rd largest settlement for Africans in the USA. The Caribbean population is quite significant as well. Coupled with the fact the Atlanta is the epicenter of the film industry in Georgia, a state that produces the largest quantity of film in the USA, a home-grown African Film Festival in Atlanta is long overdue. Atlanta also being the home to the World’s busiest airport with flights to many African countries including Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa & Kenya, countries that also have booming film industries – makes it an ideal location to host such an international event.

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